
Friday, September 21, 2012

The roof dilemma

Mountfield roof is a bit of a nightmare. All the time it's been built I've pondered over what to do about it...because there is a large loft void it has been tempting to make another room up there but because the only access is by way of a loft ladder I've decided to abandon that idea....All the while I've been deciding the roof panel (access to roof space) has been falling in and as a result the 'tiling' has been getting ruined hence I've made the decision to glue the whole roof together and forget about the 'room at the top' and give it over to
The spiders and the 'miniaturist imagination'.......
So ridge tiles are now on and we now have a chimney stack and pots too! 

Stair Rods and light switches

Decided it was high time I fixed the stair rods in position.....I've used wooden ones which I remember from when I was a little girl.....
Also put in one or two light switches.